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Yes, and…

Thanks to an early introduction to improvisation techniques (Mom, I told you that theater degree would be valuable) I was exposed to a rule that I now extend well beyond the stage and into the rest of my life, especially my professional life. That is the rule of “Yes, and….” In the world of improvisational theater saying yes, and building upon is critical to keeping a scene going. It is all about going with things that are already happening and building upon it, sometimes turning it gently in a new direction but without killing the scene.

Every work day is an exercise in improv. It seems to me there are 4 personalities in this business improv. I run in to them every where I go. And each of them impacts the business in their own special way. I’ll go in order of least productive to most productive. First is the “No, but…” person, she or he responds to every idea task, need with a “no, but that just won’t work.” (Sometimes the “but: may be left out verbally, though it hangs in the air). Even when they will ultimately get the task done or be brought around to the idea (proving them wrong) they will hunt for every opportunity to say no, no, no. Second is the “No, and…” person. I think this person may be trying to transition to being a more positive team member, they’ve found a way to move forward with an “and we could do this” however, they are just as deadly as a “No, but’er.” Frequently their and becomes yet another reason why nothing can move forward. Next we have the “Yes, but…” likely a well intentioned person and certainly can be helped to move forward and their devil’s advocate method can help find pitfalls, you just have to watch out that their yes is real and not just the passive aggressive form of no. The final type and my personal favorite are the “Yes and…” person. This person can hear an idea, take what’s great about it and use it to move forward. They can see the downsides and rather than make them showstoppers fix them and get a project moving. It’s not about being a blind Pollyanna that isn’t a true “Yes, and…” person. It is about understanding the goal and driving to it in a smart fashion bringing positive energy to the experience for everyone. Better, faster results.

So let’s all practice it together… Yes and…