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The most insidious glass ceiling is the one we impose upon ourselves. It is created quietly as we are going through life and it lives in our unconscious mind. It comes from all of the beliefs we have gathered up over the years and taken in without regard for their validity. Beliefs that tell us we are limited, not good enough, not smart enough. I don’t mean to say that external glass ceilings don’t exist but much of the power they hold is fortified by our own beliefs. I think the proof of this is in the examples of people who break through the public ceilings. How did they do it? What was special about them? And why can’t everyone do it? I think the thing they had going for them was determination and will (and occasionally some dumb luck bursting through their own barriers). Every time I have been frustrated by someone else’s behavior that seems to limit me, when I really examine what is happening I can see my role in creating this result. Experience has shown me that every time I have taken a shot and reached beyond where I have been before I have gotten great results.