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It’s amazing how much there is to do when searching for your next gig.  I have to do lists a mile long and the type of things on them vary widely.  I heard a stat that 80% of jobs are found via networking so I’m spending a lot of time there but it’s also important to follow multiple paths.  You really don’t know where your next inspiration will come to you.  I’ve been meeting people for breakfast, coffee or lunch.  Talking with people on the phone, emailing, linking in, some online searching and applying and finding ways to volunteer my time.  That last one is really important.  I can only focus on job search for so long.  I need projects that are adding value to the world, now so I’ve been volunteering for projects through groups with whom I’m involved.  It’s keeping me from going batty and it feels really good to do something constructive.

I am a fairly organized person, but I’m finding that I have to be even more so right now.  Since I’m going down so many paths and following up with so many different people I’m living by the list.  I’ve also found I’ve had to categorize my time so I’m spending it on the right things without missing anything.  And keeping track of all the great ideas people are sharing with me is a challenge.  I want to act on them all at once but it just isn’t possible.  I’ve actually scheduled things like exercise and calling friends.  Last night I think I got my first good sleep in three weeks.