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What do you do when you’ve built a development capacity that is faster than your business capacity? The market is changing very quickly these days and the lament that one can’t deliver change to a software product fast enough to meet the market demand is for some companies no longer valid. Now it comes down to the business not being fast enough at understanding the market and translate that into product. Now the tail has started wagging the dog. How does a business come up to speed to meet the market demand and feed a voracious technology funnel?

When your technology delivery capacity is meeting or exceeding your delivery expectations how do you keep the beast fed and keep market satiated? This is the question on my mind right now. What’s missing right now that keeps business spinning its wheels and not producing value to a vision? From what I have seen it is lack of clarity of vision and an inability to decide. Without a well thought out product road map as your guide then developing a product becomes about making up requirements to fill technology capacity you end up with a lot of valueless feature changes and tweaks.