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This morning I woke to a postponed breakfast meeting so I began going through my emails looking for more networking opportunities.  I had some work to do for Heartland Institute (I’ve volunteered for this non profit to help them plan their online networking presence) so investigating social networking was on my mind.  In reviewing my emails I realized there was an event today with the Twin Cities Entrepreneurs group called Networking U and the topic was Social Networks so I signed up, got out of my sweats (yeah when I learned my meeting was canceled sweats seemed like the outfit of the day) and went.  It was a great overview of the possibilities and philosophy behind social networking for businesses.  I didn’t learn a lot of new techniques per se but it did spark ideas.  And it confirmed what I’ve been thinking about using social networking in my job search and in developing my Workforce Nomad idea.  It is essential. What’s the best way to reach my people?  Maybe it’s through creating a network.

I’ll be exploring some sites and seeing how other’s do it and what works for me and what doesn’t. The best part of today was that I realized I have no shortage of great ideas to explore.  There is a lot to learn and do, the trick will be balancing what makes sense with what just seems cool.  How are you using social networks?  What is working for you?  What isn’t?  What would you want to get out of them that you aren’t getting right now.