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It seems appropriate to start an entry about pace by saying “oops, its been two weeks since I posted last.”  For a woman who has a tendency to zip around to get things done its a bit difficult to adjust to a very different pace to things living here in Kampala.  Transportation being one.  There is traffic like most cities (except the part where rules aren’t actually followed), but luckily I don’t have to drive in it.  However, that means I have to wait for someone to drive me in it and that generally means coordinating transportation with my colleagues and that means waiting.  And waiting.  And sometimes more waiting.  And while I can be a very patient person, when it comes to waiting I’m really not.  So I’m having to find my happy place with waiting.  Making it time to breathe and think.  Or just be.  Because there is waiting every where here.  I think it will probably be good for me in the long run and I wonder if when I go home I’ll act differently or if I’ll go back to zipping around.  Will people find me noticeably slower paced? Somehow that doesn’t seem possible.  I’m not sure I can actually go slower.  I think I can just learn to wait between things.