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I must say that having my lovely beagle Lucy lying under my desk as I work is a huge benefit to being laid off.

Today I went to another transition group at a church and I can tell you that if you haven’t checked out your local churches you really should.  This group is particularly amazing.  It meets every Monday morning at 7:15am a great reason to get your week started.  First timers (me and at least 30 other people) were placed in a room and given the low down on their 6 step process.  It fits well with what I’m doing and offers a lot of resources for examining Attitude, Assessment, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Materials, Interviewing and Follow up.  They even give you some guidelines about what and how to work on these things so you can be productive without burning yourself out.  I am probably prone to burn out as I have pretty aggressive goals to get back to working.

It was great to have support but I’ll admit that seeing so many people was a little scary.  And hearing how happy and excited one man was about finding a job after 4 months was also a little scary.  4 months?  I don’t want to get that used to having my dog under my desk.