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I know that sounds a little trite.  But there are three possiblities in your job search.  Finding a job, finding an opportunity or finding a job that could lead to an opportunity (okay there are probably also different categories of job that range from mind numbing mortgage payer to satisfying/fulfilling experience but we’ll ignore that for now).

To me an opportunity is that great gig that allows you to expand your skills, be valued, create a great product or experience, have fun and hopefully even make the world a better place.  This is a terrible market to be looking for an opportunity, I know that is what you are thinking, but I believe it is out there.  I’ve heard tell that it exists.  Now one might need to take a job in the mean time (in this case the ‘one’ is me but maybe it’s you too) but that is okay because I’m going to go ahead and make believe that the job can become an opportunity if I clap my hands hard enough.  Or at least pay the mortgage while I figure out what my change the world opportunity is.  I’m still a little away from above mentioned mind numbing job thank goodness, I don’t think I’ll have to go there.  I just need to find a company that will play along while I clap my hands.