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I like action.  I also have so many ideas in my head going in 3 or more directions that I felt like I was losing them.  So today I had a mini planning session.  I have one of those post it table top pads ( I love it because who has a white board at home).  I started 2 idea lists.  One titled Search Steps on which I’ve listed all the things I’m going to do for my online strategy, in person strategy, who to call, ideas for creating a daily system and I also made a list of things I can do that are not expensive (don’t know how long this will last) that I can do to relax- museums, conservatories, speakers etc.  I think that will be really important so I don’t burn out and so I don’t turn to Tivo. 

My second list is things I want to do for this website.  I’ve decided to turn it into more than a blog.  I’m taking a class for my masters in Designing Corporate Training and well, the original project idea I had went out the window with my job so now I’m going to do a project around the topic of job transition.  I want to do most of it online.  This will be a challenge since I’ve never built a website from scratch. 

I read in a New York Times article that when you are under stress you forget things, lose words, ideas, sleep and all those things are true for me right now.  I’m continuing to move foward but I’m definitely stressed out so keeping these lists allows me one less stress in not having to worry about remembering things.