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Job Transition

Never let any one person tell you what you can’t do.

I was speaking on a panel for job transition and my topic was networking. I enjoy these panels because job transition is such a mix of confusion for people and it is so overwhelming so anything I can do to shed some light or give some positive energy and information...

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This will be a no talking interview…

If you think its difficult to be looking for you next job right now as an experienced professional (especially as a Workforce Nomad) spend some time listening to the folks who have recently emerged from college.  Imagine if you haven't been building up a network in...

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What’s my story?

Here is an interesting concept that I was discussing with someone last week.  How do you tell your story?  You've heard it put a few different ways I imagine.  What's your pitch?  What's your elevator speech?  etc...  The overriding point is that people want to know...

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Not Looking for a job, looking for an opportunity

I know that sounds a little trite.  But there are three possiblities in your job search.  Finding a job, finding an opportunity or finding a job that could lead to an opportunity (okay there are probably also different categories of job that range from mind numbing...

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The Perfect Resume

It doesn't exist.  Sorry for the tease, I know how you feel.  I've been on a quest for it myself.  How many versions of your resume do you have?  I'm getting close to a dozen.  That can't be right!  First you start out trying to describe your past and fit it all onto...

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Caribou, my new home office

As someone who doesn't normally caffeinate to start my day, it is funny that the coffee shop has become my new office.  In fact I had one day with four meetings in two different coffee shops.  Today it was only two meetings in two coffee shops (same chain different...

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The work of finding work

It's amazing how much there is to do when searching for your next gig.  I have to do lists a mile long and the type of things on them vary widely.  I heard a stat that 80% of jobs are found via networking so I'm spending a lot of time there but it's also important to...

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Frozen-and not just in Minnesota

So many companies are freezing hiring even the successful ones.  The unpredictability of this recession has people scared.  The good thing is that projects still need to get done.  Interestingly, right now I think my best opportunities to find good work will be from...

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Social Networks

This morning I woke to a postponed breakfast meeting so I began going through my emails looking for more networking opportunities.  I had some work to do for Heartland Institute (I've volunteered for this non profit to help them plan their online networking presence)...

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One week down

I must say that having my lovely beagle Lucy lying under my desk as I work is a huge benefit to being laid off. Today I went to another transition group at a church and I can tell you that if you haven't checked out your local churches you really should.  This group...

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A note about networking-the give and the ask

At a breakfast with a friend today I was talking about networking.  It is really hard.  Some people razz me for being pretty good at it (though I am by no means the queen of networking) but it is hard work.  It also is hard for me when it comes for asking for help. I...

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Making a plan

I like action.  I also have so many ideas in my head going in 3 or more directions that I felt like I was losing them.  So today I had a mini planning session.  I have one of those post it table top pads ( I love it because who has a white board at home).  I started 2...

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