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I can’t remember the last time I only used cash in my day to day life.  While I always paid my balances at the end of the month I’ve relied on the ease of plastic to track everything and to not think too much about money except in retrospect.  As long as I ended up spending around what I thought I would it was okay, but I think I ended up spending more than I certainly needed to spend.  But here in Kampala Amex doesn’t work and even my visa didn’t run through the one time I tried it so its strictly cash for me.  And its really an interesting experience.  I’m trying to track it in a spreadsheet because the funny thing about cash is how it slips through your hands.  But it also runs out and you can see it happening so its kind of a fun way to manage a budget.  And maybe in some ways its easier.  At least from a perspective of not going over, but not so much from a tracking perspective.  If I don’t write it down I’ll never know what I need to adjust.  It feels a bit obsessive but its also become a form of entertainment.  Whats really interesting is it extends to most everything here.  Prepaid phone, prepaid DSTV (which I haven’t bothered to get yet) and even the gas for the stove is prepaid (as in you buy a tank and refill when it runs out).  I was cooking tonight and wondering will it get finished before I run out of gas?  I have phone calls home and think, will my minutes run out mid sentence if I’m not careful?  Its good and makes sense if you are tight on funds because you can’t get into debt.  You just have to do without, but it is a different feeling to your day.  So for now I’m going totally cash and prepaid.  And maybe when I return I’ll keep it up.  Though, I do like those miles…..