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As someone who doesn’t normally caffeinate to start my day, it is funny that the coffee shop has become my new office.  In fact I had one day with four meetings in two different coffee shops.  Today it was only two meetings in two coffee shops (same chain different suburbs).  I learned my lesson from the first time though and switched to decaffeinated beverages.  Otherwise I risk appearing as a chipmunk on crack (hello shakes).  Apparently, I’m sensitive to caffeine.

Coffee shops are such great places to meet with people without making a production out of it.  And you start to run into people you know if you do enough of it.  Ad hoc networking at its finest.  I wonder what the record is for most coffee shop visits in one day and how many different shops/chains?  I think coffee shops must be doing pretty well in this environment because I am not alone in my routine.  They are full of folks working on laptops and meeting with people.

I won’t be giving up my home office though, having my dog sleeping under my desk just can’t be beat.