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By definition my being employed seems to counter any claims I make to being a Workforce Nomad.  Am I not owned by the company that has hired me?  I receive a salary.  I am not currently a contractor.  How does that work?  I think WFN is a state of mind or a state of being.  Even within the walls of my company I don’t belong to one group.  I am an internal consultant.  No home, no defined structure.  I land in meetings or projects for other groups and give them the benefit of my skill and then I am as quickly moved on to the next project.  How does this work and how is it not just schizophrenia?

It makes perfect sense to me, as I have been this way my entire life.  I never fit completely into any one group.  But I blend into many groups quite well.  It helps me be very objective about the people I am with, it means I probably avoid any real entanglement for better or for worse.

You can definitely be a Workforce Nomad even within the confines of a corporate structure.  In fact I encourage it.  When you are being your creative self you can get motivated on your own excited about your projects and bring fresh ideas and value to your company.  You could be a great long timer really because you’ve reinvented your life at the company and continued to make things happen.