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Being An Adaptive Leader

Being An Adaptive Leader

If you are leading an organization and find yourself thinking “I am adaptive because I have to be to deal with how quickly things are changing in my world every day.” Odds are you aren’t being adaptive, you are being reactive and that is having an impact on your...

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Spending Time Outside Your Box

Spending Time Outside Your Box

I gave myself a learning vacation. There were no other co-workers at these sessions, all new people from new companies coming from a variety of contexts. Getting a chance to think on an entirely new idea created some space in my brain. Of course, it filled it up as...

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Walking a Five Headed Dog

Walking a Five Headed Dog

Smart brains, big ideas, small ideas, different agendas, different goals, politics real and imagined, put them all together and what do you get? A five headed dog. Now, try taking that for a walk. Have you ever walked a five-headed dog? Each head wants to do a...

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Leading Collective Genius

Leading Collective Genius

I used to keep a file on my desktop titled “I did this.”  In this file I would put a little blurb or write up of things I accomplished.  I started doing this for a couple of reasons.  One, I found I would lose track of what I’d done as time...

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Applying fear to your career

Applying fear to your career

I had a great conversation today with Cyndi Mitchell in which we were talking about career, planning, not planning, breakthroughs, etc.  And I was left with a phrase in my mind "apply fear to your career." I am a bit of a thrill seeker in my personal life.  Not...

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Had my first trip to Kenya this week.  I took only a couple of pictures I'm afraid.  It was all business.  We met so many people and now I'm staring at this pile of cards feeling a little daunted by all the emails I have to send, good thing I took notes!  I suppose...

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I can't remember the last time I only used cash in my day to day life.  While I always paid my balances at the end of the month I've relied on the ease of plastic to track everything and to not think too much about money except in retrospect.  As long as I ended up...

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It seems appropriate to start an entry about pace by saying "oops, its been two weeks since I posted last."  For a woman who has a tendency to zip around to get things done its a bit difficult to adjust to a very different pace to things living here in Kampala....

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Best lunch ever…and the food was just okay.

I am in South Africa for the first time.  I arrived in Johannesburg yesterday.  On the ride from the airport, I'll be honest I thought it looked a lot like San Jose, CA.  Until we passed a shanty town and then I was reminded that there is so much more here than meets...

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Mobile Monday Kampala

Yesterday evening I went to the Mobile Monday event here in Kampala, these events are not surprisingly similar in every city I've seen.  The topic was different as the problems here are different and in some ways very basic.  I am so used to the simplicity in the US...

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  This is the Maribou Stork, the "ugliest bird in Uganda"  not my words, that's just what everyone tells me.  I think its kind of cool, this picture doesn't show the wing span but it is a very large bird.  There are many of them and they hang out in a tree by my...

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Not unless you’re driving…

After a 24 hour or so journey I made it to Kampala last night.  That much time on airplanes is really draining, though sleep helps time pass.  It also sets up a surreal feeling which the jet lag keeps up.  I went through Amsterdam and swapped planes.  That was my...

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