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Making a plan

I like action.  I also have so many ideas in my head going in 3 or more directions that I felt like I was losing them.  So today I had a mini planning session.  I have one of those post it table top pads ( I love it because who has a white board at home).  I started 2 idea lists.  One titled Search Steps on which I’ve listed all the things I’m going to do for my online strategy, in person strategy, who to call, ideas for creating a daily system and I also made a list of things I can do that are not expensive (don’t know how long this will last) that I can do to relax- museums, conservatories, speakers etc.  I think that will be really important so I don’t burn out and so I don’t turn to Tivo. 

My second list is things I want to do for this website.  I’ve decided to turn it into more than a blog.  I’m taking a class for my masters in Designing Corporate Training and well, the original project idea I had went out the window with my job so now I’m going to do a project around the topic of job transition.  I want to do most of it online.  This will be a challenge since I’ve never built a website from scratch. 

I read in a New York Times article that when you are under stress you forget things, lose words, ideas, sleep and all those things are true for me right now.  I’m continuing to move foward but I’m definitely stressed out so keeping these lists allows me one less stress in not having to worry about remembering things.

Networking with groups

Today I had a leadership breakfast scheduled that I attend monthly.  It’s free and 80% of the time it is really good.  I introduced a couple of my coworkers to it and they had started attending with me.  If I’d been in the wrong mood I could have skipped it.  I mean seeing coworkers, feeling bad about being let go, them feeling bad about staying behind, yuck.  But, I was actually very glad to see them.  Also, I got to see two of the people from my network of professionals who have always been very encouraging and help me create ideas.  I set up a breakfast meeting and learned about a job transition group at a church that was happening that night. 

Hmmm, a church.  Could I do that?  I’ll confess (and I was raised Catholic so that comes naturally to me) I’m not the most consistent church goer.  Sure it says “open to the public” but will God be annoyed that I’m showing up now?  So I turned to mom for encouragement.  I knew she’d make me go.  I just needed a push.  I called her from the parking lot.  It had been a long exhausting day and I was having a weak moment.  So with my little push I went to the meeting.  I’m so glad I did.  When you’re feeling like a misfit it is really great to be with other people who are feeling that way too.  I met  a really helpful couple of gentlemen who told me of another church program they say is excellent.  I’m going to check it out Monday and I’ll let you know.  Also, I learned some things about contracting that I would probably not have investigated for another week or so.  Thank you Cheryl for encouraging me.

First full day of unemployment

Today I got up and went to my mother’s house.  I could have stayed home and worked on things but I knew I’d need to be in a different environment to help me stay in action.  Last night I sent out an email letting people know I have been laid off and what I am looking to do next including what I can do on a contract basis while I’m searching for my dream company.  I sent this to people who I know and respect who know me and I think respect me and have expressed an interest in helping me careerwise in the past. First, I believe they will be willing to help.  Second, they are people I would want to reccommend me to others as I believe others respect them as well.  I’m sure I missed a few and next week I’ll go through the list of people I know  and see if there are any more who might want to help.

The response has been very heartening, it has run the gamut of warm wishes, search ideas, forwarding my information to their respected colleagues and contacts sent back to me.  I am so grateful for these people.  Having ideas and paths come in is really great for keeping up the momentum of my search.  I think gathering momentum is very important.  I know it is tempting to rest and recover and take your time to figure out what you want to do especially if you were lucky enough to get a nice severance package.  I don’t think I would do that.  Months go by quickly for one and you want to form your search habits now because it will be harder later.  Don’t be afraid of going in the wrong direction.  You don’t have to know where you are going to end up to start getting there.  Spend time getting clear on what you want yes, don’t ever stop that so you recognize it when you see it or feel it.  Don’t wait until you know, that’s the Workforce Nomad way.

Job Transition

Today I was laid off for the first time.  I’m going to keep a journal of my experience and my search for my next adventure so maybe other people can get some ideas to help their search.  I’d love to hear from you if you have ideas on what has worked for you.

WFN as employee?

By definition my being employed seems to counter any claims I make to being a Workforce Nomad.  Am I not owned by the company that has hired me?  I receive a salary.  I am not currently a contractor.  How does that work?  I think WFN is a state of mind or a state of being.  Even within the walls of my company I don’t belong to one group.  I am an internal consultant.  No home, no defined structure.  I land in meetings or projects for other groups and give them the benefit of my skill and then I am as quickly moved on to the next project.  How does this work and how is it not just schizophrenia?

It makes perfect sense to me, as I have been this way my entire life.  I never fit completely into any one group.  But I blend into many groups quite well.  It helps me be very objective about the people I am with, it means I probably avoid any real entanglement for better or for worse.

You can definitely be a Workforce Nomad even within the confines of a corporate structure.  In fact I encourage it.  When you are being your creative self you can get motivated on your own excited about your projects and bring fresh ideas and value to your company.  You could be a great long timer really because you’ve reinvented your life at the company and continued to make things happen.