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Frozen-and not just in Minnesota

So many companies are freezing hiring even the successful ones.  The unpredictability of this recession has people scared.  The good thing is that projects still need to get done.  Interestingly, right now I think my best opportunities to find good work will be from my diverse set of project experience.   Since I’ve managed technology implementations in multiple areas many different opportunities exist for me.  Now is a time when a diverse set of experiences really pays off.  I can go down many different paths.  And the fact that I was at small companies where I frequently had to manage and do the implementation on my own also helps.  I can bring the soup to nuts understanding to any project.  Take heart fellow nomads, I think you are going to find that your broad base of experience will really be important in this time whether you are employeed and trying to add new value to your company or if you are hunting for your next meal.

How do you connect the dots?

Have you looked back at the disparate pieces of your career and thought they didn’t add up to much?  The whole of you is greater than the sum of your parts.  How do you figure out this equation?  For me I looked back at all the different things I have done and asked questions about them like the following:

What were the things that I really liked (disliked) about that role or that company?

What pieces made me really excited or brought out my creativity?

I discovered that at the core of my favorite roles or companies there was a theme.  I need to work in a growth environment with people who are interested in growing the business, the people in the business and their customers business.  I really enjoy connecting with others and helping them succeed and I found this in some element of the roles that I enjoyed.

What trends have you seen in your path?  What tricks have you used to connect the dots?

Social Networks

This morning I woke to a postponed breakfast meeting so I began going through my emails looking for more networking opportunities.  I had some work to do for Heartland Institute (I’ve volunteered for this non profit to help them plan their online networking presence) so investigating social networking was on my mind.  In reviewing my emails I realized there was an event today with the Twin Cities Entrepreneurs group called Networking U and the topic was Social Networks so I signed up, got out of my sweats (yeah when I learned my meeting was canceled sweats seemed like the outfit of the day) and went.  It was a great overview of the possibilities and philosophy behind social networking for businesses.  I didn’t learn a lot of new techniques per se but it did spark ideas.  And it confirmed what I’ve been thinking about using social networking in my job search and in developing my Workforce Nomad idea.  It is essential. What’s the best way to reach my people?  Maybe it’s through creating a network.

I’ll be exploring some sites and seeing how other’s do it and what works for me and what doesn’t. The best part of today was that I realized I have no shortage of great ideas to explore.  There is a lot to learn and do, the trick will be balancing what makes sense with what just seems cool.  How are you using social networks?  What is working for you?  What isn’t?  What would you want to get out of them that you aren’t getting right now.

One week down

I must say that having my lovely beagle Lucy lying under my desk as I work is a huge benefit to being laid off.

Today I went to another transition group at a church and I can tell you that if you haven’t checked out your local churches you really should.  This group is particularly amazing.  It meets every Monday morning at 7:15am a great reason to get your week started.  First timers (me and at least 30 other people) were placed in a room and given the low down on their 6 step process.  It fits well with what I’m doing and offers a lot of resources for examining Attitude, Assessment, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Materials, Interviewing and Follow up.  They even give you some guidelines about what and how to work on these things so you can be productive without burning yourself out.  I am probably prone to burn out as I have pretty aggressive goals to get back to working.

It was great to have support but I’ll admit that seeing so many people was a little scary.  And hearing how happy and excited one man was about finding a job after 4 months was also a little scary.  4 months?  I don’t want to get that used to having my dog under my desk.

A note about networking-the give and the ask

At a breakfast with a friend today I was talking about networking.  It is really hard.  Some people razz me for being pretty good at it (though I am by no means the queen of networking) but it is hard work.  It also is hard for me when it comes for asking for help.

I think one of the reasons it seems I’m good at is that I usually have an attitude of what can I give to this person.  Being stubbornly self sufficient asking for help isn’t my strong suit.  That makes me a natural for what I think is the basis of good networking.  The give should be greater than the ask.  When you are meeting people (and don’t wait until you’re unemployed to do this) think about what you have to offer them.  Whether it is listening, words or action you have something and that is what your interactions should be about most of the time.  Then when it comes time to ask for help they will want to help you, you may not even have to ask.   Really, for this to be the real deal it has to be genuine.  I don’t calculate this so that I can ask for favors later.  I’m actually drived by a deep seeded need to bring value (believe me that’s a whole other line of posts under the topic of Kathy’s psyche).   I don’t think it is something I would change.  It makes me happy to help others.  I’m addicted to feeling needed and helpful.  So get in touch with that part of you, most people have it, and you will learn to actually like networking.  Sorry, but it will still be hard.