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Know where you are heading

Know what it takes to get there

Know how to deal with constant change

Workforce Nomad ™

Dreaming with envy of the kind of career path that is laid out ahead and easy to follow, is an impossible wish.  (And it really wouldn’t be that much fun).  So how can you find the purpose in the path you have followed?  How can your past lead to the place you want to go next?  It is likely the pieces are there, they may be eluding you in this moment, but you know they are there because you’ve seen them before, like a butterfly that appears and puts a smile on your face and then is gone in a blink.

The funny thing about Clarity, Focus and Alignment is that having them feels amazing and holding them is just not possible, but if you know how to find them you don’ t need to hold them.  They are things of the moment, when we let them go knowing we can find them again, they can allow us to be happy.

Thoughts from a Workforce Nomad Journey

Being An Adaptive Leader

If you are leading an organization and find yourself thinking “I am adaptive because I have to be to deal with how quickly things are changing in my world every day.” Odds are you aren’t being adaptive, you are being reactive and that is having an impact on your...

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Spending Time Outside Your Box

I gave myself a learning vacation. There were no other co-workers at these sessions, all new people from new companies coming from a variety of contexts. Getting a chance to think on an entirely new idea created some space in my brain. Of course, it filled it up as...

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Walking a Five Headed Dog

Smart brains, big ideas, small ideas, different agendas, different goals, politics real and imagined, put them all together and what do you get? A five headed dog. Now, try taking that for a walk. Have you ever walked a five-headed dog? Each head wants to do a...

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